Pramusim JDT 2019 I Thailand I PENGENALAN Januari 08, 2019 A barbecue dinner with the JDT Family involving players Crown Prince of Johor management staff of JDT and HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim +
A barbecue dinner with the JDT Family involving players, management staff of JDT and HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor was held at the Istana Bukit Pelangi on the 7th of January 2019. Januari 07, 2019 A barbecue dinner with the JDT Family involving players Crown Prince of Johor was held at the Istana Bukit Pelangi management staff of JDT and HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim +