"Of course we at JDT always want to be at the top of the league table. However, at this time we feel it is too early. What we need to do is to continue fighting and winning every game so we can get the three points."

Memang benar prestasi para pemain Johor Darul Ta’zim pada separuh masa pertama adalah amat baik, namun agak merundum pada separuh masa kedua. Seperti yang anda lihat, kami berjaya menguasai bola dan mempunyai banyak peluang jaringan pada separuh masa pertama. Kami juga tahu bahawa para pemain telah melakukan tugas mereka dengan amat baik.
Meskipun kami berjaya menjaringkan tiga gol pada separuh masa pertama, perlawanan tersebut belum berakhir bagi kami. Pada separuh masa kedua, kami perlu bersedia untuk serangan balas dari pasukan Melaka. Kami perlu memikirkan keadaan fizikal para pemain dan pertukaran pemain dilakukan kerana kami juga perlu bersedia untuk perlawanan seterusnya beberapa hari lagi. Walaubagaimanapun apa yang paling penting adalah kami berjaya mendapatkan tiga mata berharga pada malam ini.
Mengenai pertukaran pemain, sewaktu persiapan untuk perlawanan ini, barisan kejurulatihan telah memberitahu kepada Marcos bahawa keadaan beliau tidak membenarkan beliau bermain selama 90 minit buat masa ini. Kami juga perlu merehatkan Safiq Rahim kerana beliau telah menerima kad kuning. Selepas mengeluarkan Safiq, kami juga perlu mengeluarkan Cabrera kerana keadaan fizikal beliau yang agak kurang baik. Beliau juga merupakan antara pemain yang kami perlu pantau.
Sudah semestinya kami di JDT mahu sentiasa menjadi yang paling atas di dalam carta liga. Namun buat masa ini kami merasakan ia masih terlalu awal. Apa yang perlu kami lakukan adalah berjuang dan memenangi setiap perlawanan supaya kami sentiasa mendapat tiga mata tersebut. Malam ini sekali lagi merupakan malam yang indah bagi kami apabila berjaya berada di kedudukan teratas.
Saya sangat menghargai sokongan para penyokong yang hadir pada malam ini. Kemenangan malam ini saya dedikasikan kepada semua para penyokong kami kerana mereka telah memberi kekuatan kepada pasukan. Saya juga dedikasikan kemenangan ini kepada DYAM Tunku Mahkota Johor. Saya telah berpengalaman menjadi ketua jurulatih selama 25 tahun dan baginda merupakan presiden terbaik yang pernah saya lihat.
Ulisses Morais, Ketua Jurulatih Kelab Bolasepak Johor Darul Ta’zim
It's true that the performance of Johor Darul Ta'zim players in the first half was very good, but went down in the second half. As you can see, we controlled the ball and had a lot of scoring chances in the first half. We also know the players did a good job.
Although we scored three goals in the first half, the match was not over for us. In the second half, we had to prepare for a response from Melaka. We need to consider about the players' physical conditions and substitutions were made because we need to prepare for the upcoming match in the next few days. However, what's the most important thing is that we gained three points tonight.
As for the substitutions, during preparations for the match, the coaches already informed Marcos that his condition would not allow him to play the full 90 minutes at this time. We also needed to rest Safiq Rahim because he received a yellow card. After bringing off Safiq, we also brought off Cabrera because his physical condition was not too good. He is also one of the players we need to monitor.
Of course we at JDT always want to be at the top of the league table. However, at this time we feel it is too early. What we need to do is to continue fighting and winning every game so we can get the three points. Tonight was another wonderful night for us because we finished at the top.
I really appreciate the support from fans tonight. I dedicate tonight's win to our fans because they gave strength tot the team. I also dedicate the win to HRH Crown Prince of Johor. I have had been a head coach for 25 years and His Royal Highness is the best president I have ever seen.
Ulisses Morais, Johor Darul Ta'zim FC Head Coach
